Are Freshwater Pools completely safe?

A Freshwater pool offers a completely safe swimming experience. But how exactly does it work? Don't worry, it's not magic! Keep reading to learn more about our not-so-secret method for keeping your freshwater pool clean and healthy.

Are freshwater pools completely safe?

Are you aware that freshwater pools can be sanitised without the use of chlorine or other harmful chemicals that may cause corrosion to pool ladders and fixtures? NatureSwim™ utilises cutting-edge technology to clean your pool using methods that have been utilised for centuries before the advent of chlorine. In fact, the pool industry only started heavily promoting the use of chlorine because it accounts for a significant portion of their revenue stream. You can have a safe pool without using chlorine.

What’s the secret?

What is an oxidiser and what does it do? 

The NatureSwim system relies on a powerful oxidiser as its main component, using an exclusive technology called Advanced Oxidation Process (AOP) to purify water effectively. By generating hydroxyl radicals, the AOP process can break down various pollutants, including bacteria, viruses, organic compounds, and other contaminants.

As water flows through the titanium plates, it undergoes hydrolysis, creating an AOP process that helps break down pollutants. The oxidiser's potency is so impressive that it produces residual Oxidation-Reduction Potential (ORP), continuously oxidising the water as it flows through the pipeline and into the pool. With the NatureSwim system, you can rest assured that your pool is thoroughly purified and safe for swimming.

Silver and copper (ionisation used as a backup only)

Ionisation is an additional system that complements our primary oxidiser to ensure that your pool water is clean and safe. This process involves the use of copper and silver ions to eliminate harmful bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms present in the water.

By passing low DC current through copper/silver rods, a positive charge is formed for both copper and silver ions. Positively charged copper ions attach themselves to negatively charged algae, while positively charged silver ions attach themselves to negatively charged bacteria. To maintain the appropriate amount of copper/silver ions in parts per million (ppm), the rods can also be adjusted accordingly.

Interestingly, copper and silver have been used for thousands of years to purify water. Ancient Egyptians stored water in copper jugs to eliminate algae and then poured the water into silver mugs/cups to eliminate bacteria. Have you ever noticed how water fountains with coins thrown into them have very clear water? The answer is simple - the copper and silver in the coins help keep the water clean and clear.

So what are the benefits? 

  • Cost effective

  • Great for your skin 

  • No red eyes 

  • No chlorine smell 

  • No dry skin after swimming 

  • Longer lasting pool equipment 

  • Good for health and pets 

  • Reduces maintenance cost 

  • Benefits the environment 

  • Good for people with asthma, eczema, psoriasis 

  • Reduce running cost 

Have a look at our freshwater pool systems Natureswim Classic or the NatureSwim Advance.


Why is chlorine used?


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